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For prospective students

Have Questions?  Visiting Campus?   Let us know!

Do you have social media I can check out?

Yup! Follow us on Instagram: @dcfgettysburg

Gettysburg is a small school.  Is there an active community of Christians on campus?

Yes.  God is doing a powerful work at Gettysburg.  It may be a smaller school but it comes with a bigger than expected opportunity!  If you want to thrive in your relationship with Christ, you can join up with others who are also striving after Christ.  We offer regular community activities such as weekly PrimeTime meetings, small groups, leadership training, and outreach events.  We have trained and experienced leaders who are available to help equip students to make the most of their "walk with Christ" while in college.  However, you will have to decide to take advantage of these opportunities.  There is no substitute for you taking full personal responsibility for your growth in Christ.

If I come to Gettysburg, I won't have a car.  Are there churches in walking distance?  Do any of the students carpool?

Yes and Yes.  There are churches within walking distance and students carpool to churches further away.  See our local churches link.

What type of Bible studies meet on campus?

We have both organized and informal Bible studies happening all over campus.  Our vision encourages lots of friendship (one-on-one) discipleship times.  We also have organized outreach discussion groups, women's groups, men's groups, first year fellowship, leaders team, and the occasional "topical" study group.

Are there any opportunities to do missions work in the area?  What about volunteering?

Yes.  Many students in DCF are involved with groups and would love to get you connected.

Are there any worship services on campus?

Yes.  A few go to services on campus, but most of the students in DCF go to churches in the community.

What is the religious environment on campus?  Are people accepting, open, naive, intolerant?

It runs the gamut.  While a few people are aggressively intolerant of Christianity, we find that most people are open to discussing their world-view and system of belief in a cordial manner.  As a liberal arts institution, Gettysburg College promotes the open exchange of ideas.  Christians who want to lead evangelical lives will find many opportunities on campus to share their faith with others.  

At DCF, we seek to engage in respectful dialogue with seekers, skeptics, and cynics.  We strive to offer them a Biblically driven and Christ-centered perspective that is not only culturally relevant but personally transforming to those who embrace it.  

As for those who claim to embrace Christ, there again, we have a diversity of experience, and maturity.  We are people in progress seeking to know more of Christ, and the change He can make in our lives and community.